Scrapping of end of life Vechiles

Connected Vehicles & Brakes


The need to develop intelligent mobility solutions for sustainable transportation has been recognized globally. As we all know that India is home to major 2W/PV and Commercial vehicle manufacturing, the country is grappling with mobility challenges in the form of road safety, traffic congestion, fuel consumption issues, etc. in cities where concentrated growth has taken place over the years. Although OEMs in India have the necessary technology available with them to provide mobility solutions it is a matter of policy and infrastructure that India currently needs to develop, learning from developed nations, with all stakeholders joining hands together. Greater mobility with seamless last mile connectivity continues to be a governing factor that contributes towards the economic growth of the country.

As we are moving at a pace faster than ever, discussion are going for the upcoming megatrends on the Internet of Things, shared mobility and autonomous vehicles. Such disruptive technologies are expected to lead to the successful introduction and rapid penetration of new mobility solutions

SIAM’s Connected Vehicle Group has formulated the Roadmap for the Introduction of ADAS Technologies in India. The group also pursued de-licensing of radio frequencies for automotive purposes that would act as enablers for bringing in advanced V2X features such as collision avoidance, E-call, lane departure prevention, etc. Department of Telecomm was also requested by SIAM to integrate emergency number 112 at the National Level. On the Machine to Machine (M2M) communication front, registration process of M2M service providers and issues involved in the deployment of embedded SIM has been discussed. While there are concerns raised by SIAM on the applicability of CRO on automotive parts, that automotive speakers are not Bluetooth / smart speakers and microphones are not wireless, all these components are used after wired connect for getting some relief to the applicability of CRO on cameras.

SIAM Connected Vehicle group members also requested for necessary relaxation from the MTCTE (Mandatory Testing and Certification of Telecommunication Equipment) requirements and postponed the MTCTE applicability by one year and issued clarifications on the exemption of genuine spare parts as replacement for CBUs whether imported or locally manufactured vehicles

coming soon

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