Japan Automobile Manufacturer Association (JAMA), Japan
Japan Automobile Standards Internationalisation Centre, Japan
Korean Automobile Manufacturers Association (KAMA), South Korea
Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association, Italy
Motorcycle and Scooter Assemblers and Distributors Association of Malaysia
National Alternative Fuel Training Consortium, USA
National Association of Automobile Manufacturers of South Africa (NAAMSA)
National Association of Vehicle Manufacturers (ANFAVEA), Brazil
National Highway Traffic & Safety Authority, USA
Nepal Auto Dealers Association, Nepal
Philippine Automotive Federation, Philippines
SAE International, USA
Singapore Motorcycle Trade Association, Singapore
Taiwan Transportation Vehicle Manufacturers Association, Taiwan
Thailand Automotive Institution, Thailand
The Indonesia Automotive Federation (FOI)
The Indonesian Motorbike Assemblers' Association (PASMI) , Indonesia
The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT), UK
The Thai Automotive Industry Association (TAIA), Thailand
Transport Research Laboratory, UK
UK Trade & Investment (UKTI)
US Department of Commerce, USA
US Department of Energy, USA
US Environment Protection Agency, USA
Verband der Automobilindustrie e.v. (VDA), Germany
Vietnam Register, Vietnam